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Casino video poker strategy

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The odds will be the same on each table if they have the same pay table, so stick with the one you are on. When you find a payable that you like, you don't need to jump around to different tables.If you are unsure how to locate these games, you can visit a website where they have scouted out the best video poker games and their locations in a number of different casinos.The other categories pay similarly, but the full house and flush will pay more on a 'Jacks or Better' game. You can find these tables by their names, or look at the pay for the full house and flush.A '9/6 Jacks or Better' paytable is the best because the rate of return is 99.54%, meaning the casino only keeps. Different games will have different rate of returns, meaning some games, if you win, will give you a higher percentage of your money back and others will give you a lower percentage. There are dozens of different video-poker games in casinos.

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